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Abstract Lights

Put your Accounting process on autopilot with AI

AI streamlines your Account Receivable and Account Payable processes by automating data extraction and validation. This reduces manual effort and minimizes errors, enabling a faster and more accurate financial closure.

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“PAGE helped processed 2,230 invoices for my team daily, and we only had to look at 12 of them


Account Payable Team


Accounts Payable

Automate Processing of POs, Invoice and GRNs

The AI model understands your incoming commercial invoices - categorising, extracting, and validating line items in real-time with high accuracy.

The AI will extract your incoming invoices automatically, categorising and validating the data in real-time with high accuracy.

AI automation that makes finance teams 10x more efficient.

Account Receivable

Automate Reconciliate your payment & sales channels 

Streamline reconciliation of intercompany sales channel, 3rd party sales reports, bank statements and even cash register. The AI will match and categorise all transactions automatically and highlight to you the variance.

“I can now focus on variance analysis and resolution, rather manual data entry and creating formulas.


  Account Receivable Team

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Automate Data Extraction

Get docs & AI will capture all the data, no more data entry

Streamline all your AR documents and AI will extract all the transactions data, whether it's bank statements, intercompany or 3rd party sales reports and even cash register. 

Automate Matching

Transactions are categorised and matched, no more manual vlookups.

Enjoy the benefits of AI-assisted intelligent categorising based on your master-table of vendors, banks and sales channels, and matching of transactions-transactions from various sources.

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Automate Reconciliation 

AI validates the transactions and show variance, no more manual working sheets. 

Auto-reconcile for sales (gross) and collection (net) and AI will highlight all the variance, whether it's by outlets, sales channel, bank or other categorisations.

Automate Document Generation

AI-Gen reports of any formats, no more manual formulas and formatting

Whether it's aging report, reconciliation report, collection report, or others.

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See also

Account Payable

Automate Processing of POs, Invoice and GRNs

Account Receivable

Automate Reconciliate your payment & sales channels 

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