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Abstract Lights

Put your Account Payable on autopilot with AI

The AI model understands your incoming commercial invoices - categorising, extracting, and validating line items in real-time with high accuracy.

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"My work is no longer typing invoice entry, and validating 1 by 1 manually. I only need to focus on highlights that matter." 

Account Payable Team

Smart Account Payable processing for Your Financial Needs

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Automate Data Validate

2/3-way Matching, no more eyeball checking

Validate invoice with any documents, whether it's PO, GRN, Delivery Note, and even agreement, and only pay attention to those that need it.

Automate Data Capturing

Get docs & AI will capture all the data, no more data entry

Integrate to your email, online folders and other systems, or simply upload in bulk to PAGE, and AI will auto-capture accurately. 

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Approval & Workflow

Invite relevant users to collaborate, no more fragmented workflow

Customise approval flow and assign roles such as admin, super admin, creator and others.

Automate Document Generation

AI-Gen document of any formats, no more manual formulas and formatting

Whether it's aging report, payable report, invoice creation template, or others.

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See also

Account Receivable

Automate Reconciliate your payment & sales channels 

Streamline reconciliation of sales reports and bank statements by automating data extraction and validation. This reduces manual effort and minimizes errors, enabling a faster and more accurate financial closure.

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